Accounting Practices is run by ex and current Accountants, Accounting has been a major part in most of thier working lives. Our staff have bought and sold numerous practices during that time so they know how delicate and fraught with anxiety these transactions can be! It is easy to give clients advice about the purchase or sale of a business because we are not emotionally involved with that transaction.
But when we venture down the path of buying or selling our own practice the transaction takes on an entirely different perspective!
Thus this site has been established so that it can act as intermediary for you – both buyers and sellers!
The absolute security when you list with us means that you decide whether and when to release details about yourself to an interested party.
This allows you to control the process – to take it at your pace and with the confidence that you know the identity of those enquiring before you release details about yourself and your listing.
We can also email you if you cannot find what you are looking for. Either we will email you if a suitable listing which matches your criteria is placed with us or we will actively search personally for either a buyer or seller for you.
This site therefore will be fully interactive for you. We will email you on a regular basis letting you know what has been happening – what prices have been achieved is surely a most important consideration whether you are buying or selling!
In addition we can help facilitate the transaction, whether you are buying or selling, if you instruct us to – for a fee of course!! This gives you a further buffer between you and the other party.
We are available at all times to answer any questions that you may have or to advise you further on the sale/purchase transaction!
So be assured that your identity will be know only to us and will never be divulged to a third party with out your emailed consent!
So look around, enjoy and give me your feedback - this site is for you!
Accounting Practices Team or email