Dear Friends,
We are constantly bemused when we get practitioners coming to us who have seemingly all of a sudden decided that they want to sell. When we advise clients to consider selling, we always tell them that it is a careful process and the decision should take a period of time.
When the decision to sell is made, we need to ensure that Financial Statements are showing good results and ‘rubbish’ is cleared out of them. Work in progress should be cleaned out, as should debtors who we have no hope of collecting! As for expenses which have no relevance to the running of the business (except to reduce taxable income) – get rid of them!
In order to get the best returns from your decision to sell, you should contact us a number of months before you list so we can guide you through the entire process! You have no idea of some of the information we get given which is meant to inspire a good offer from a prospective purchaser!
And as for giving the prospective purchasers one year’s results only – come on! We would tell our clients that five years financials and with a narrative of how, when and why those results change from year to year is an absolute minimum wouldn’t we?
It is like selling your home; Do you leave the lawns long and rank? The gardens full of weeds? The interior a mess? Of course not! The same applies to your accounting practice.
We are the only agency working exclusive in the Accounting market nationwide. We also have a proven track record over the years, when it comes to the BUY/SELL/MERGE of Accounting Practices nationwide.
So if you are remotely thinking about selling your practice in the coming months or years or you simply want some guidance on how to begin the process then come to us NOW, and we can provide the resources and support throughout the journey and ensure the best return for your years of hard work.
Kind regards,
Don Wood
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