Bay of Plenty
- A stable client base
- Vendor happy to stay on
- Legroom available to improve margins
Talk to the EXPERTS in CA today! | Riki Sila | 09 363 9584 or 022 0432 880
- Sole director firm
- Reputable firm in the region
- Vendor is willing to assist in the transition period for some time
- Vendor looking to move on!!!
- If you want a small fee base to leverage or build on, then let’s talk today.
- This may suit a small firm or an Accountant looking to start own fee base.
Talk to the EXPERTS in CA today! | Riki Sila | 09 363 9584 or 022 0432 880
Small fee base - Sole Practitioner looking to either merge or sell to therigh firm or invidual - open to options.
$800k fee base ( BAS)
Partners looking to retire
5 staff
Open to discussions with the right firm
Needs to be with the institute